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Hair Loss for Women

What woman doesn't want thick, luxurious hair? The reality is more than half of women will have hair loss by the time they reach the age of 70. Dr. Lisa Draghi says several things can cause sitting hair, including pregnancy, menopause medical problems certain medications.

Your genetics and even stress are the most common causes of hair loss in women. Would-be female pattern hair loss; and that's a type of genetic and hormonal hair loss. What can you do about it? Well, Dr. Draghi says, that depends on why you're losing your hair but, for the most common form of hair loss over-the-counter medications such as minoxidil works for about two-thirds of the women who use it. The tough thing about hair loss is it takes a while for anything to really have an effect from six months to a year. There are also prescription medications that target hormones in your scalp but no treatment is perfect. Dr. Draghi says research into managing female pattern hair loss is ongoing for the Mayo Clinic.


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